Monday, August 01, 2005

1. Sunfish (1979)

My very first sail boat in 1979 was nothing much but a piece of plank with a sail on it. It was a Sunfish. There was a centre board, rudder, a mast and one sail. It was even too small to be called a dinghy. The hull was made of fibre glass and it was small, meant for one person only. I first launched the Sunfish in the river near the Lutong bridge.
It was a mistake as I knew next to nothing about sailing at the time. The sea would be a more suitable place to learn to sail as the beach is not as deep or as steep as the river bank and would be less muddy.
Sunfish (file photo)
Once, I even invited a friend, Bong Han Chuon to come along. He sat in the front and when we turned the corner around a bend in the river, the wind came from the rear and the whole contraption became a submarine and we progressively went under! Any way, we had a lot of fun and there was no real great danger of drowning because we were wearing life vests and the river bank was close by. Bong was also a very good swimmer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you forgot to mentioned "As we sailed along the Lutong river a lot of people were watching us at the river bank, of course they also saw the boat capsize, anyway that was a very good experience" which immediately came to my mind whenever I think of David Chin.