The Seahopper was built by Yamaha in Japan to similar dimensions as the Laser. It actually looked very much like a Laser. It cost me 2000 ringgit; but it was worth every cent because this sail boat some times forgot that it had no engine! At about 15 knot cross wind, it would plane and consequently, the speed would increase suddenly with most of the hull out of the water, behaving like a speed boat!
It was a very exciting boat to sail because it would capsize unless a good balance was maintained constantly by hiking out on the wind ward side. It was especially risky when launching through breaking surf with an onshore wind.
I sailed this dinghy very often on my days off from the rigs. It was much more exciting than playing golf! In Malaysia, the game of golf has been spoilt. It has become a game played mainly by timber tycoons, politicians, snobs and social climbers who liked to rub shoulders with the rich and famous. I gave up golf and took up sailing as my new hobby for the next 25 years
After a while I was looking for an even faster sail boat. There was this Hobie 16 for sale. It belonged to Chris Knight, our MD. He wanted 15K for it; but a catamaran was well beyond my budget. Finally, I found the boat I wanted in the Salam, a 4.7 metre two men dinghy which has a main, jib and a spinnaker.
Hi there David, Read your post on Hoppers. You might be interested take a look at our website www.iloilosailing.webs.com. Iloilo Sailing Club. We have 9 Yamamha's; Hopper, Mini Hopper and Sea Martin.
Agree, the Hopper is a great fun boat to sail, durable too.
Cheers, Paul.
Iloilo Sailing Club, Philippines.
My name is Peter and recently bought a Sea Hopper. It is all incomplete. Has no mast, no rudder and no candles.
I am contacting you because I want to recover the boat and can not find the dimensions of the mast and other equipment.
I wonder where I can see the plans of the boat. Can help me with that?
My mmail pedrogafanhao@gmail.com is ... you can contact me from the email.
Thank you.
Pedro Carvalho
Please google [Yamaha Seahopper]. All the dimensions are there.
Here are the plans of the boat
There are sails new for 270USD to 490USD and seahoppers, without sails, second hand at about 600 USD on auction in Japan. I am thinking of getting one.
This is the URL of the really cheap seahopper sail vendor - at close to have the price of several other vendors. I promise I have absolutely no affiliation. http://www.yuukoumarine.jp/hyde_seahopper_sail.html
These are the links for seahoppers on auction in Japan (in English and Japanese script). Alaso many of the vendors do not countenance delivery abroad. Again NO affiliation.
21 years sailing in NZ I have never seen a Seahopper on the water. The Laser is [the] boat.
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